
The Zombie Apocalypse Militia is now Available

An Untold Tale of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center

Ben used to be a micro-manager at the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center.

Now he’s the micro-manager of a militia that recently lost their base and are trying to survive the hordes of zombies.

When Ben finds the perfect base, it seems like the answer to everyone’s prayers.

Until Ben discovers there are super zombies nearby.

Now he has to find a way to eradicate the super zombies, while keeping the militia alive.

And he might have a solution…

But it involves partnering up with Garret, the military officer that betrayed and abandoned Ben.

Can Ben ally with Garret and fight off the super zombies?

Can Ben stop micro-managing the militia and discover how to truly lead people?

If Ben doesn’t secure the new base and protect his people, he’ll lose the community he’s finally found.

The Zombie Apocalypse Orchard

“Turn left, here!” Jared says.

I pull a sharp left turn onto a dirt road that leads into the orchard.

“Give me more of a warning next time,” I snap.

“Sorry! It’s been a while since I’ve been this way.”

“What next?” I tersely ask.

“It’s a straight drive to the orchard. Once we get there we’ll park the car behind the barn and then go into the trees, so we can ambush the people following us.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Bull

We’re driving back from our adventure to the gun store and I’m looking forward to getting home, getting the ammo unpacked and then hopefully taking a hot bath. All this fighting of zombies makes for achy muscles.

“Sue?” Jared urgently says.

“What?” I absently minded ask.

“Look over there, to your left.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Flower Shop

“I think we should go into town today!” Jared announces.

“Do you think there’s a town left?” I ask.

He gets an irritated look on his face. He hates when I question him like this.

“Of course, there’s still a town left. Why wouldn’t there be a town left?”

Death by Chocolate

It’s the second day since the zombie apocalypse and all Jared can go on about is how much he wants chocolate cake. It probably doesn’t help that it’s his birthday, but you’d think the man would have some priorities about living through a zombie apocalypse. But no, all he can think about is having chocolate cake for his birthday.

“I would make some cake, but we don’t have all the ingredients sweetie, and there’s the pressing matter of the zombie apocalypse.”

Now available for pre-order Outlaws of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center



Alisha is on a mission to save her brother Sam from himself.

Sam has fully embraced his zombie powers and is on the loose with the CEO of Zombii Co., but Alisha isn’t willing to give up on him or his humanity.

To save Sam, Alisha will have to leave her team behind and take to the road on her own. But trying to save your brother during a zombie apocalypse is no easy matter, especially when you have to survive both the zombies and the marauding survivalists that are on the road.

If Alisha can’t save Sam from himself, it’s not just his humanity that’s on the line…

It’s the entire world.

Can Alisha save Sam and stop the zombie apocalypse?

Find out in the thrilling conclusion to the zombie apocalypse call center series.

Tales of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is available


Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse?

Surviving a zombie apocalypse is no laughing matter. You need the right guns, the right gear and the right people to survive.

Unfortunately the customers of the zombie apocalypse call center don’t have the right guns, the right gear, or the right people supporting them.

Now the world has gone mad and zombies are everywhere.

Can the customers survive the zombies that are now taking over the world?

Can they survive the cutthroat survivalists who are on the hunt for more supplies and guns?

Can they trust each other enough to live another day?

Find out the fate of the customers of the zombie apocalypse call center in this anthology which shares what happens when the zombie apocalypse gets real.

Heroes of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is now Available for Pre-order!

Heroes ZACC FB pre-order.png

My latest book Heroes of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is available for Pre-order and comes out November 28th.

You can get the book here

And if you haven't read the entire series, you can get all the books here.

I'm doing a special this week where the first book is only $.99.

So if you need to take your mind off the election or just do some fun reading check out my Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series!

The Zombie Apocalypse Bunker Conclusion


Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. You can read part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5 here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series which shares more zombie apocalypse fun.

I’ve got to retreat and find weapons that’ll work. I run through the kitchen and head to the living room. I’ve got an assault rifle and shotgun there, but neither of them are loaded. If I’m going to get a loaded weapon I have to get to my zombie apocalypse bunker, which has loaded weapons in it. Or I have to get close and personal with Carol. I look around the living room and there’s a katana. It wouldn’t be my first weapon of choice to take down a zombie, but it gives me a little distance and a way to possibly kill Carol, if I can’t get to my weapons. I grab the katana by the hilt and throw the sheathe aside.


Carol crashes through the kitchen and emerges in the living room, panting and looking around for her prey.

“I’m right here, bitch,” I say and I slice at her with the edge of the katana.

Carol takes the blade on her forearm, with it going to the bone, but she just grunts and tries to get me with her other arm. I yank at the katana and manage to pull it out of her arm, with a spray of blood splashing against the wall. I’m off balance though and Carol barrels into me, before I can bring the blade to bear.

She snaps at me with her mouth, but doesn’t bite me, because I manage to get an arm under her throat and push her away. Carol staggers back and I whip the katana around and slice her across the face.

“Grrrrr!” she howls and then swipes at me with a hand, clawing me on the arm.

“Bitch!” I say. I never liked Carol. She was always too damn nosy and being a zombie has improved that predisposition.

I come at her with short strikes, trying to drive her back, but Carol doesn’t act like a normal human being. She takes the cuts and tries to get closer to me. I’ve got to end this fight, because she’s relentless.

I hop back and draw the blade so it’s facing Carol. She comes rushing at me and I extend my arms slightly, while also bending my knees. The tip of the blade seeks into Carol’s throat, and a deluge of blood comes out. Carol staggers and then falls to the floor, twitching. I wait a few moments and then nudge her body with the blade, just to make sure she’s dead. She doesn’t move.

I take a deep breath and sigh. My entire body is shaking with adrenaline and I just want to sit down, but I realize I have to secure the front door. There could be other zombies out there and the last thing I need is another fight like this one. I rush to the front door, grab my keys, and then close the door and lock it, using all the bolts I’ve got. I pick up the .45 and eject the jammed bullet. I’ll clean it later.

I go into the kitchen and clean myself up. I hope I can’t get infected because of being scratched, but who knows how the infection vectors spread? Next I grab Carol’s corpse and drag it to door, open the door cautiously and roll her body out. Just to be extra safe, I spray some Zombii Spray over her corpse. Maybe that’ll keep the other zombies away. I gag a bit at the spray. It’s got this lemony scent to it, but it’s supposed to repel zombies and it’s certainly repelling me.

It’s time to finish locking this place down and get into the bunker so I can survive this zombie apocalypse. I go back inside my house, and lock the door again. Then I walk down the hall to the bunker. I’m feeling a little hungry suddenly, but there’s plenty of food in my secret hideaway. I punch in the code for the bunker, step inside and close the door. I’m safe now. No zombies will get me.

The Zombie Apocalypse Bunker Pt 4

Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. You can read part 1, part 2 and part 3 here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series which shares more zombie apocalypse fun.

After what seems like forever the phone clicks again.

“Angela, you there?” Sam asks.

“I am. You have that information for me yet?” I tersely ask.

“I do. What road are you on?”

I check where I am on the map app I’m using.

“I’m currently on highway 43. I’ll be turning right in half a mile, to my street, Vermont. Then I need to drive a few blocks to get to my house.”

I didn’t realize how close I am to home, which makes feel a bit relieved, but you know how it goes in horror movies. It’s when you let your guard that the zombies strike.

“It looks like there’s been a couple zombies near your location,” Sam says distractedly.

“Shit! What do I do?” I don’t know why I’m asking him that question. I know what to do, but I think it’s the adrenaline in me.

“If you see any zombies, don’t try to hit them with your car, because where you see one there’s usually more, so hitting one will just draw them like flies going to compost. I recommend trying to avoid them as best as possible.”

No shit, Sherlock, I think to myself.

“Ok and then what? I need more helpful advice than avoid hitting them with my car!” I snap.

“Well, if you can help it, don’t stop your car. But drive safely too.”

Oh this idiot is full of wisdom.

“Duh. None of this is exactly helping me, Sam. Look I need to know what to do if I actually get stopped by zombies.”

I hear him take a deep breath.

“Ok, Angela. You told me you only have a .45 on you, correct?”

“Yeah,” I skeptically say.

“How much ammo do you have?”

“I’ve got one extra clip, plus what’s in the gun already.”

“If you get stopped by zombies, you gotta shoot them in the head. Your natural inclination might be to shoot them in the torso, which is the largest target, but torso shots won’t necessarily kill them. When you shoot, expect a little kick back and try not to panic. You’ll waste ammo that way and draw more zombies to you.”

“Now THAT’s helpful advice. What do I do when I get home?” I ask. I pretty much know what I’m going to do, but I want to see what he says and if there’s anything different.

“As far as I can tell you don’t have a lot of zombies in your area yet, but I recommend keeping your lights off and your door locked. Also, don’t plan to stay at your house too long if more zombies show up. Get whatever gear and supplies you need to help you survive together, and then find a place to hole up in with other people people you trust. You’ll want to work together to fend off zombie attacks.”

“Actually my place is the designated Zombie Defense Base, but that’s advice I’ll pass on to my friends. Now I need to focus on my driving. Thanks for the advice.”

“Thanks for calling Zombii Co. Have a good day,” Sam says.

I hang up and shake my head. If I’d know that was the level of support I was getting, I’d have never signed up for, or gotten a different package. The only good thing about the support plan is all the guns and ammo waiting for me at home.

The Ambulance Ride from Hell part 6


Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series and my free story, The Zombie Apocalypse Convenience Store

You can read part 1 , part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5 of the story here.

The man shrieks and tries to get Dan off of him, but Dan keeps him pinned down and bites him a couple more times.

“Ambulance 2901 what is going on?” the dispatcher impatiently asks.

“I found my partner and he is for certain infected. He’s just bitten a citizen and I believe the infection is passed that way. I’m going to try and restrain my partner and find the original patient, as well as get the new one to the hospital. I could use some help out here.”

“Negative ambulance 2901. We’re getting overwhelmed with calls. Get those people back here, so we can get you out there to other spots.”

Shit, what is going on? I go to open the driver side down door, when suddenly I’m grabbed from behind.

“Unnnggrrryyy,” Jenny moans at me.

She tries to pull me back at her, so she can bite me, but I lunge for the door and open it, tumbling out of her grip to the ground.

Dan looks up from his victim and growls at me. He’s become a total animal. I don’t recognize anything about him anymore.

“Unnngrrry!” Jenny shrieks.

I scramble away from the ambulance. What am I going to do? If she or Dan bites me I’ll get infected and end up like them. I don’t want that.

Jenny surges out of the ambulance and stalks toward me. Dan gets up from his victim and joins her, the two of them hunting me like I’m in Jurassic Park.

The people in the cars around me are locking their doors and trying to drive away from the scene before they get attacked. There’s no one who’s going to be a hero today. Dan shrieks at the moving cars and turns away to run after one, but Jenny isn’t distracted. She sees her next meal right in front of her.

I push myself up so I’m standing and right then Jenny runs at me. I wait for her and when she gets close, I kick her in the belly. She grunts, but then comes at me again. A normal person would be wheezing from where I hit her, but that kick only got her to pause.

She grabs one of my arms and pulls it toward her, I let her pull me, and then loosen my arm muscles and slip my arm out of her grip, while bringing my elbow from my other arm around to smack her on her shoulder. She spits some mucus in response, which I manage to dance away from. At this point I’m assuming any fluid she ejects is going to potentially infect me with whatever she’s got.

I’ve got to restrain her somehow, but I don’t know if I can. The sedatives didn’t work that well. It’s like her adrenaline is supercharged. If I can’t find a way to restrain I’m either going to have to run for it, or take her down. It’s not what I want to do, but I’ve got to do something.

Jenny rushes at me again and tries to grab me. There’s no strategy to her attack. She’s just trying to bite me. I duck out of her way and look around. There’s nothing nearby I can use to restrain her. She’s going to keep coming at me and at some point she’s going to wear me down and then bite me, unless I do stop her now.

Jenny whips around and runs at me and this time, when she comes close, I avoid her grasping hands, and I punch her in the throat, as hard as I can. Her eyes widen with and pain and she sinks to her knees, clutching at her throat and gasping for breath. I feel a surge of shame at what I’ve done. I’m supposed to preserve life, not destroy it, but here I am standing over the gasping, dying infected person.

She weakly tries to grab me, but I easily evade and watch as she sputters and gasps. After a few moments she stops moving. I gingerly step toward her and nudge her with my foot, but there’s no response. I shudder for a moment and then grab myself. I don’t have time to breakdown. I’ve got stop Dan and check on the man he bit.

I step away from Jenny’s corpse and go to check on the man. He’s still on the ground, motionless and I see why. Dan ripped his throat with his teeth. I don’t know whether to feel horrified or relieved that the man is dead. At least he’s not infected, but he’s dead and there’s nothing I can do for him.

I look around for Dan and find him on top of car, smashing his way through the front glass to try and reach a terrified family. They can’t move their car, because it’s wedged between the other cars and we’ve now got a huge accident, because people panicked and drove through the intersection and slammed into each other, and the original accident while trying to escape Dan.

“Dan, what the fuck are you doing?” I yell.

I don’t expect my yell to stop him, but he hears me and immediately bounds off the car toward me. His face and hands are bloody and he looks deranged, his hair going all over the place.


“Yeah I get that, but you’ve already had your human snack for the day. It’s time to stop. If there’s any part of you that recognizes me, you’ve got to stop so I can get you help,” I plead.

For a moment, Dan pauses and just looks at me. Is there some part of him still in there?

Then his eyes narrow and whatever was there is gone. All that’s left is an infected cannibal that wants to eat me alive. Dan shrieks and rushes at me. I stand my ground, trying to keep calm, but knowing if I get bit I’ll either be dead or turn into something like him.

His hands grab at me. I manage to grab his right hand in my left hand, but his left hand grabs my hair and yanks hard. I gasp in surprise and pain and then punch him hard in the belly. The punch doesn’t phase him. I try to pull away from him and feel my hair ripped from head. I cry out in pain and Dan lunges at me again, trying to pull me toward him for that fatal embrace.

I fall backwards to the ground and pull Dan toward me, and then use my legs to launch him up and over my body. I then bring my legs back and do a quick flip so I’m back on my feet. I quickly turn around and see him getting up from the ground. I touch my head where it aches and I don’t feel as much hair.

“Bitch, you’re going down,” I mutter.

I run toward Dan, who comes at me with arms flailing. I duck under his arms and sweep kick him, which causes me to fall flat on his face. I quickly pivot and him to ground with my knee on the middle of his back. He tries to push up, but my weight keeps him down.

“I’m sorry partner for what I’m about to do,” I say.

I chop my hand on the back of his neck, once, twice, and then three times, until I hear the crack of his vertebrae. Dan suddenly stops moving, except for his head. I’ve paralyzed him and now I can take him to the hospital.

I get up off of Dan and wearily walk over to the ambulance. I pull out the stretcher and wheel it toward him.

“I hated paralyzing you, but it was that or kill you,” I pant. “We got to figure out what’s going on and Jenny and the man you bit are dead, so I guess you’re it. And I hope if there’s a cure, you’ll forgive me, but it was either me or you, partner.”

“Hunnnggrrrry,” Dan moans.

I flip him around and get him on the stretcher and restrain him just in case. He can still bite and the last thing I want is to become like him. I wheel him back to the ambulance and up the ramp and then I haul myself into the driver side door. For a moment, I debate getting Jenny and the man and putting them in the ambulance, but they’re both dead now.

“Ambulance 2901 to dispatch. I need to you send out a biohazard team to the intersection of Watley and Fourth. Over,” I say into the com.

“Ambulance 2901 get back here immediately. We need you and your partner on the ground,” The dispatcher tersely says.

“Coming in dispatch, but please make sure to call in a biohazard team. There are two dead infected people here and we need to contain this situation.”

“Understood. We’ll send a team out immediately Get back here, quick. There’s more hot spots happening. We may be experiencing a pandemic.”

“Excuse me. What did you say dispatch?” I ask incredulously.

“We may have a pandemic and we need you and your partner. Get back here ASAP!”

“Will do, over.” I say.

I put the ambulance into drive and then navigate around the other vehicles. I hope this isn’t the beginning of a pandemic, but if it is I’ll do my part to help contain it.

The Ambulance Ride from Hell part 3

I rush to the ambulance, open the back door and hop in and star scrounging around for the first aid kit and some sedatives. I don’t know if Jenny has rabies or something else but I want to take any chances that she’ll attack me again. For that matter, I got to worry that my partner will have whatever she has. I grab some disinfectant and add it to first aid kit. I put all of it on the stretcher and then wheel the stretcher to the house.

I carry the first aid kit and the sedatives into the house. Dan is sitting on the floor clutching his bleeding arm, looking glassy eyed from the shock.

“Dan, you with me?” I ask.

He shakes his head and says, “Yeah. I’m just feeling off.”

“Getting bit will do that to you,” I wryly respond.

Dan chuckles, which I take as a good sign.

“I want you to apply this disinfectant to your arm. I’m going to put a couple sedatives in Jenny and then I’ll help you wrap your arm. Then you and I will get her on to the stretcher and get both of you back to the ambulance, ok?”

“”S-sure,” Dan says.

I hand him the disinfectant and then pull the sedatives out. I cautiously walk up to Jenny. She still looks like she’s out. I’d check her pulse, but I don’t want to take a chance of getting bitten, just in case she’s faking. I get the first sedative ready, and plunge it into her leg. She briefly stirs, which tells me she’s alive. I debate whether to stick her with a second sedative. It could be risky, but she was so adrenalined before that I don’t want to take a chance of not giving her enough. I put the second sedative in her and then turn to Dan.

He’s smeared the disinfectant on the bite wound, but it looks ugly.

“Let me wrap it for you,” I say.

“P-pleease,” He slurs.

I look at him concerned. I know him and he’s not normally like this. I start wrapping his arm and he looks at my hands as I work with an anxious gaze.

“Dan, are you with me?”

“I-I’m feeelinnngggg weeirddd.”

“Are you able to help me get Jenny on the stretcher?”

“I-I think so.”

“Go over to her legs and then I’ll go to her shoulders. We’ll get her on the blanket and then move her onto the stretcher.”

We roll her on to the blanket.

“Lift her now,” I instruct.”

We lift her, carefully, using the blanket and get her on the stretcher. I start securing her arms and legs with straps on the stretcher that can hold down a 350 pound man who’s on drugs. I know because I’ve had to do to that before, and I figure even with whatever is in her system, this will work.

We start wheeling her out her and she stirs.

“What the fuck?” I swear.

Normally the sedatives I pumped into her should have her knocked out for a few hours, but she’s already waking back up. Whatever she’s on is something wicked.

Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series and my free story, The Zombie Apocalypse Convenience Store

You can read part 1 and part 2 of of this story here.

Rebels of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is now Available


Rebels of the zombie apocalypse call center is now available.

Sam’s got a lead on the cure for the zombie virus.

But to get the cure, Sam has to do something that doesn’t come easily to him. He’s got to follow orders from Garret, a no-nonsense, by the book commander who isn’t impressed with Sam’s customer support skills or his lack of discipline. But can Sam and Garret work together, when Sam does anything but follow the rules?

To find the cure, Garret and Sam need to infiltrate a Zombii Co. factory, but the factory contains more secrets than just the cure. It contains Zombii Co’s other experiments with zombies and an insane manager willing to do anything it takes to keep those secrets where they belong, including infecting everyone in the factory with the zombie virus.

When Sam’s mission goes sideways, he has to fight his way through acid spitting zombies and super zombies while working with Garret to keep his unit alive, and keeping all of them uninfected.

If Sam doesn’t get his act together, he could lose his friends.


He could lose the cure that can save the world from the zombie apocalypse

The Ambulance Ride from Hell part 2

I’ve pulled the stretcher part of the way, but I can hear the panic in Dan’s voice. I hurriedly lower the stretcher to the street and slam the doors shut. The last thing I want are kids getting some free painkillers from our emergency stash.

“Tonya, where are you. I need you here now!”

I run to the open front door and hurry past the kitchen to the living room, where Dan is trying to restrain a white woman, who I’m going to guess is Jenny. She has her teeth bared. Black mucus is pour out of nostrils and Dan is struggling to keep her hands off of him.

“What happened?” I pant.

“She just launched herself at me, as soon I walked in the living room. Didn’t say a word or anything. She keeps trying to bite me.”

“I wish you told me to bring a sedative.”

“I was panicking. I still am. Now, can you help?” Dan testily asks.


I walk over to Jenny and she suddenly tries to lunge toward me.

“No you don’t,” Dan grunts out as he pulls on her arms.

Jenny abruptly pulls one of her arms, bringing his arm right by her mouth. Then she chomps down on as hard as she can.

Dan shrieks in pain and lets her arms go. Jenny rips her mouth away, taking some flesh and blood with her, and then pushes Dan away, and rounds on me.

There’s a vase beside me. I grab it and as she lunges at me, I hit her across the face. The vase smacks into her and she gutterly howls and backs up a step. I do a sweep kick and knock her legs out from her and she crashes to the ground.

I start to go toward Dan, but Jenny pushes herself up to her feet.

“Impossible,” I mutter. An ordinary person would be knocked out, but Jenny keeps taking the hits and ticking.

“Unngrrryyy,” Jenny growls at me, and then swings one of her arms at me.

I block her arm with my forearm, and when she follows up with her other arm, I move to the side and then grab and throw her. I send her careening into a wall and thankfully, this time, she doesn’t get up, just laying there motionlessly. I’ll check her in a moment.

“Dan, are you ok?”

“I-I, no, I’m not ok. She bit part of my forearm. I think I can see my bone.”

Shit. I feel nauseated, but I don’t have time for that. I’ve got two patients now.

“Sit tight. I’ll be back with some first aid.”

Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series and my free story, The Zombie Apocalypse Convenience Store

You can read part 1 of this story here.

Now Available: The Zombie Apocalypse Call Center



Sam thinks his job at the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is a joke.

Zombies aren’t real and the customers who call in for support about their guns and conspiracy theories are crazy!

Sam knows the Zombie Apocalypse will never happen.

Until one day the Zombie Apocalypse does happen…

Now Sam and his fellow analysts have to figure out how the zombie apocalypse started and how to cure the zombies, while also keeping the customers alive and well-stocked with ammo.

On top of that Sam is juggling potential romances with two of his co-workers, Michelle and Ember. His manager Ben is micro-managing him about his call stats and customer happiness, and he has to defend the call center from invading zombies.

Will Sam discover the cause of the zombies?

Will he get his manager off his back?

Will he find love?

Will he survive the zombie apocalypse?

You’ll be kept in suspense by the dystopic action and adventure of the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center.

Get it now.