The Zombie Apocalypse Bunker Pt 4

Author’s note: This is a short story excerpt set in the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center Universe. Each week I’ll write another part of the story on here. You can read part 1, part 2 and part 3 here. If you enjoy, check out the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center series which shares more zombie apocalypse fun.

After what seems like forever the phone clicks again.

“Angela, you there?” Sam asks.

“I am. You have that information for me yet?” I tersely ask.

“I do. What road are you on?”

I check where I am on the map app I’m using.

“I’m currently on highway 43. I’ll be turning right in half a mile, to my street, Vermont. Then I need to drive a few blocks to get to my house.”

I didn’t realize how close I am to home, which makes feel a bit relieved, but you know how it goes in horror movies. It’s when you let your guard that the zombies strike.

“It looks like there’s been a couple zombies near your location,” Sam says distractedly.

“Shit! What do I do?” I don’t know why I’m asking him that question. I know what to do, but I think it’s the adrenaline in me.

“If you see any zombies, don’t try to hit them with your car, because where you see one there’s usually more, so hitting one will just draw them like flies going to compost. I recommend trying to avoid them as best as possible.”

No shit, Sherlock, I think to myself.

“Ok and then what? I need more helpful advice than avoid hitting them with my car!” I snap.

“Well, if you can help it, don’t stop your car. But drive safely too.”

Oh this idiot is full of wisdom.

“Duh. None of this is exactly helping me, Sam. Look I need to know what to do if I actually get stopped by zombies.”

I hear him take a deep breath.

“Ok, Angela. You told me you only have a .45 on you, correct?”

“Yeah,” I skeptically say.

“How much ammo do you have?”

“I’ve got one extra clip, plus what’s in the gun already.”

“If you get stopped by zombies, you gotta shoot them in the head. Your natural inclination might be to shoot them in the torso, which is the largest target, but torso shots won’t necessarily kill them. When you shoot, expect a little kick back and try not to panic. You’ll waste ammo that way and draw more zombies to you.”

“Now THAT’s helpful advice. What do I do when I get home?” I ask. I pretty much know what I’m going to do, but I want to see what he says and if there’s anything different.

“As far as I can tell you don’t have a lot of zombies in your area yet, but I recommend keeping your lights off and your door locked. Also, don’t plan to stay at your house too long if more zombies show up. Get whatever gear and supplies you need to help you survive together, and then find a place to hole up in with other people people you trust. You’ll want to work together to fend off zombie attacks.”

“Actually my place is the designated Zombie Defense Base, but that’s advice I’ll pass on to my friends. Now I need to focus on my driving. Thanks for the advice.”

“Thanks for calling Zombii Co. Have a good day,” Sam says.

I hang up and shake my head. If I’d know that was the level of support I was getting, I’d have never signed up for, or gotten a different package. The only good thing about the support plan is all the guns and ammo waiting for me at home.