The Curse of the Deadly Gym part 5

Below is part 5 of the Curse of the Deadly Gym. You can read part 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 here.

Before I can knock, Ackerbee opens the door and looks at me nervously.

“Come in, come in!” he loudly says with false cheer.

I walk past him to the hallway. His wife is sitting in the living room, listlessly watching television. She doesn’t even react to someone coming into her home. I study her profile for a few moments. Her blonde hair is short, just barely coming down to the base of her neck. Her cheeks are sunken. She looks thin, but not a healthy thin. The kind of thin that either hints at the fact that she isn’t eating, or that someone is stealing her health.

Ackerbee closes the door and starts to go past me, but I hold my hand up and he stops. I take a deep breath and open my third eye, so I can see her spiritually. I never like using this particular part of magic, because it shows you more than you ever want to see about a person, but I want to verify if what Ackerbee has told me is correct and its easiest to do that by taking a look at her on all levels of her being.

What I see is a person whose aura is weak. There are holes in her etheric body and from the holes her energy is flowing out. She’s definitely been attacked by something, but I can’t tell exactly what. All I know for certain is that its still feeding on her energy. I close my third eye and rub my hands my eyes for a moment.

“Everything ok? Why are you staring at my wife?” Ackerbee hisses at me.

I turn away from her and cock my head toward the dining room and then walk over to it. He follows me, a puzzled look on his face.

“What are you doing? I thought you wanted to meet her?”

“And I do, but the fact that she didn’t even react when I came in indicated something was off. I then looked at her with my third eye and that told me everything I needed to know.”

“Your third eye? What are you talking about?”

I sigh and say, “The third eye is a term for spiritual sight. It’s a way of seeing the hidden mysteries of the world. In the case of your wife, what I saw is that she is being attacked by something. There’s holes in her aura, and her energy is bleeding out of those energetic wounds. I wanted to verify your concerns and taking a look at her has told me a lot.”

“Ok. So now what?!”

“So now I go and investigate the gym. We don’t have a lot of time and I still need to figure out what attacked her, because whatever it is, it’s nearly done with her. She probably won’t survive another feeding. I want you to keep her home. Don’t let her go to them gym, until I’ve sorted this situation out.”

Ackerbee gapes and dumbly asks, “What about dinner?”

I give him an exasperated look and reply, “I think this is far more pressing than dinner. Let me do my job, while you take care of your wife.”

He thoughtfully nods and shows me the door. My stomach rumbles. I could have used a hot meal. I get into my car and start driving to my house, so I can eat a quick snack and pick up some work out gear, for when I had to the gym.